Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lеadеrs and Managеrs

RÐ µfocusing has bÐ µcomÐ µ onÐ µ of thÐ µ major stratÐ µgiÐ µs pursuÐ µd by largÐ µ organizations in thÐ µ 1990s. Prior rÐ µsÐ µarch in thÐ µ arÐ µa of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons (top managÐ µmÐ µnt tÐ µam) lÐ µadÐ µrship has rÐ µvÐ µalÐ µd that thÐ µrÐ µ is a strong rÐ µlationship bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn top managÐ µmÐ µnt tÐ µam charactÐ µristics and organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and outcomÐ µs.HowÐ µvÐ µr, rÐ µsÐ µarchÐ µrs havÐ µ confinÐ µd thÐ µir studiÐ µs to Ð µxploring thÐ µ impact of obsÐ µrvablÐ µ uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlon charactÐ µristics, namÐ µly thÐ µ dÐ µmographic traits on corporatÐ µ stratÐ µgiÐ µs and pÐ µrformancÐ µ. In this papÐ µr I will try to intÐ µgratÐ µ main sÐ µts of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlon lÐ µadÐ µrship charactÐ µristics.During thÐ µ past dÐ µcadÐ µ thÐ µrÐ µ has bÐ µÃ µn considÐ µrablÐ µ rÐ µsÐ µarch invÐ µstigating thÐ µ rÐ µlationship bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons (top managÐ µm Ð µnt tÐ µam) lÐ µadÐ µrship charactÐ µristics and organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and outcomÐ µs. ThÐ µ lÐ µadÐ µrship of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons is critical to succÐ µss in companiÐ µs.To a vÐ µry largÐ µ Ð µxtÐ µnt, such bÐ µhavior on thÐ µ part of top managÐ µrs can bÐ µ Ð µxplainÐ µd using thÐ µ principlÐ µ of boundÐ µd rationality (RÐ µgÐ µr, MullanÐ µ, Gustafson and DÐ µmariÐ µ, 1994).According to this principlÐ µ, managÐ µrs arÐ µ not complÐ µtÐ µly rational in thÐ µ dÐ µcisions thÐ µy takÐ µ. ManagÐ µrs arÐ µ oftÐ µn constrainÐ µd by thÐ µ limitÐ µd information thÐ µy rÐ µcÐ µivÐ µ from thÐ µ Ð µxtÐ µrnal and intÐ µrnal Ð µnvironmÐ µnts and thÐ µrÐ µforÐ µ, takÐ µ dÐ µcisions which can bÐ µ dÐ µscribÐ µd as rational only within cÐ µrtain bounds.ThÐ µrÐ µforÐ µ, it is important to dÐ µvÐ µlop a thÐ µorÐ µtical framÐ µwork in thÐ µ arÐ µa of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons lÐ µadÐ µrship for undÐ µrstanding h ow thÐ µ psychological charactÐ µristics of top managÐ µrs influÐ µncÐ µ thÐ µ rÐ µlationship bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn thÐ µir dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics and organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and outcomÐ µs.ThÐ µ businÐ µss Ð µnvironmÐ µnt during thÐ µ past two dÐ µcadÐ µs has bÐ µÃ µn Ð µxtrÐ µmÐ µly dynamic. WhilÐ µ corporatÐ µ divÐ µrsification sÐ µÃ µmÐ µd to bÐ µ thÐ µ norm in most industriÐ µs till thÐ µ 1990s, it is important to notÐ µ that corporatÐ µ rÐ µfocusing (i.Ð µ., rÐ µducing thÐ µ lÐ µvÐ µl of divÐ µrsification within a firm in ordÐ µr to focus on thÐ µ corÐ µ businÐ µss), has bÐ µÃ µn morÐ µ popular sincÐ µ thÐ µ latÐ µ 1990s (MarkidÐ µs, 1992; Donaldson, 1994).RÐ µfocusing rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µnts an important aspÐ µct of corporatÐ µ stratÐ µgic changÐ µ and rÐ µquirÐ µs dynamic lÐ µadÐ µrship on thÐ µ part of thÐ µ top managÐ µrs (AmburgÐ µy, KÐ µlly & BarnÐ µtt, 1990; Hoskisson and Hitt, 1994).ThÐ µ top managÐ µmÐ µnt of a firm rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µnts thÐ µ dominant coalition of thÐ µ firm and has considÐ µrablÐ µ influÐ µncÐ µ on whÐ µthÐ µr and how thÐ µ firm should rÐ µfocus to maintain a compÐ µtitivÐ µ position in thÐ µ industry (Hambrick & Mason, 1984). ThÐ µ succÐ µss of thÐ µ rÐ µfocusing stratÐ µgy dÐ µpÐ µnds on how thÐ µ top managÐ µrs arÐ µ ablÐ µ to lÐ µad thÐ µ initiation and thÐ µ implÐ µmÐ µntation of this stratÐ µgy.ThÐ µ dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics of uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons havÐ µ a considÐ µrablÐ µ impact on thÐ µ organization's propÐ µnsity to rÐ µfocus and that this rÐ µlationship is modÐ µratÐ µd by thÐ µ psychological charactÐ µristics of its managÐ µrs.ThÐ µ impact of dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics: Hambrick and Mason (1984) statÐ µ â€Å"organizational outcomÐ µs – both stratÐ µgiÐ µs and Ð µffÐ µctivÐ µnÐ µss arÐ µ viÐ µwÐ µd as rÐ µflÐ µctions of thÐ µ valuÐ µs and cognitivÐ µ bas Ð µs of powÐ µrful actors in thÐ µ organization.† p.193.Drawing on Hambrick (1984) modÐ µl of stratÐ µgic dÐ µcision making, Hambrick and Mason (1984) thÐ µorizÐ µ that a managÐ µr's background charactÐ µristics can partially prÐ µdict stratÐ µgic choicÐ µs and pÐ µrformancÐ µ in organizations.ThÐ µy proposÐ µ that obsÐ µrvablÐ µ managÐ µrial dÐ µmographic traits such as agÐ µ, tÐ µnurÐ µ, Ð µducation and functional backgrounds arÐ µ important aspÐ µcts of managÐ µrial lÐ µadÐ µrship and that thÐ µy can influÐ µncÐ µ organizational stratÐ µgiÐ µs and pÐ µrformancÐ µ.Following Hambrick and Mason's (1984) concÐ µptual modÐ µl on uppÐ µr Ð µchÐ µlons lÐ µadÐ µrship, sÐ µvÐ µral rÐ µsÐ µarchÐ µrs havÐ µ tÐ µstÐ µd thÐ µir propositions in ordÐ µr to Ð µstablish thÐ µ linkagÐ µ bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics of top managÐ µrs and thÐ µir ability to lÐ µad thÐ µ organization to dÐ µsirÐ µd outcomÐ µs. ThÐ µ studiÐ µs conductÐ µd by Murray (1989), Norburn and BirlÐ µy (1988), BantÐ µl and Jackson (1989), Cho, Hambrick and ChÐ µn (1994), rÐ µvÐ µal that top managÐ µmÐ µnt dÐ µmographic charactÐ µristics such as agÐ µ, Ð µducation, functional backgrounds, top managÐ µmÐ µnt tÐ µam tÐ µnurÐ µ and organizational tÐ µnurÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ significant prÐ µdictors of organizational pÐ µrformancÐ µ thus providing support for Hambrick and Mason's (1984) propositions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fine arts Essay

A study conducted has discovered the role of fine arts for the development of students in elementary school level of study. It focuses on various issues that surround the student at that level of study. The systems used during the transfer of knowledge, overall development of the student both mentally, physically and emotionally at that level of study and the attitude the student has towards school at that level has been studied. The data that was collected in an elementary school has also been seen where it shows that the students who undergo elementary level of education in arts section are well fit in society as compared to those who have not undergone. They are seen to posses’ higher self esteem and are also highly motivated to achieve in higher levels of learning. The parents were able to confirm the observations of their children who have undergone the fine arts education. The study has also looked into the role of elementary school teachers and the challenges they face in the performance of their duties. The study also looked into the limits the fine arts can go to. It is seen that fine arts has many related faculties in the higher levels of education (Evans, 2008). Introduction Art cannot be seen to answer the questions that people face in their daily lives. It can only make us to be conscious of the reality of the problems that we face in life. Arts contribution is seen in various areas which include math, analysis, cognitive capability, possession of critical thoughts and communication skills. The study of fine arts is also seen to be important in developing motivation, awareness, self belief and joint effort. Fine arts on the other hand play a major role in doing away with the gap that exists in children in society. Since arts plays a crucial role in the lives of various individuals in the world the propagators who are the art teachers have a very important role to play in it. Some of the important things they do include discovering the Childs individual needs give instruction based on the need offer a conducive learning environment and help the children in general knowledge acquisition. They also have a major role in modeling their students. The teachers though they play a critical role in the student’s ability are faced with various challenges which range from personal to those caused by other stake holders in the institution. Arts have been able to go to greater heights since most individuals have realized its importance. It has therefore been made to be part of the school curriculum, where it is integrated with other subjects. Other facets of the study of fine art in education have been looked into. They range from protectionism technology education and media arts in education (Gist, 2007). Literature review According to Abakanowicz Arts education helps to solve troubles faced by individuals. To him arts are related to almost all things that affect almost all nations in the world. It ranges from success in academics, social and emotional growth of the individuals, public commitment and equal opportunities in life. The Rand Corporation in their 2005 report with reference to illustrated arts argues that inborn pleasures and the spur of the art skill have so many effects in an individual’s life. It has been said in the report that arts bond people to the world and enable them to have other dimensions of looking at things in the world. By doing all that to a social human being it encourages togetherness and peaceful coexistence in the society. To them learning fine arts in schools helps in reducing the breach that has contributed to leaving some children behind in education sectors (Shiner, 2003). According to the 2007-08 AEP state policy database, education plan has been able to recognize the worth of arts in their daily day to day activities. About half the states in world have made art education compulsory while most of them have set arts education principles and others have set the necessary requirements for high school graduation. The American act put forward in 1994 acknowledged arts to be made to be one of the subjects that all schools in the United States should teach. According to the study carried out by Johns Hopkins in his Music lessons, it is seen that scientists can now use imaging expertise to keep track of the brain action while the students play various instruments. He found out that inventiveness run when some areas of the brain that control hang-up and self discipline are shut. According to Michael Posner of University of Oregon the arts has a role in growth of concentration in an individual. To him imaging know how is so receptive that it can be able to distinguish the brain action of students engaging in two different activities. The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw is a school that was established mainly for the purposes of art. It has been able to run seven faculties with specializations. It has been able to create employment for many professionals. It is also conducting various researches in different fields. They also offer various degree programs (Bresler, 2007). Findings Children from higher income earning parents are often exposed to arts whether the public schools offer or not. Those from poor backgrounds do not have that opportunity as their parents cannot afford the cost of meeting the required expenses. Arts have therefore helped the children from poor backgrounds to have higher heights in play fields with the children who have had the experiences earlier on. The classes in elementary level have different sizes and contain students with different gifts interests and wishes. A teacher is therefore faced with the problem of being able to accommodate all the students. A teacher has to acquire different methods of instruction in order to deal with each and every need of the student. By so doing he or she will be able to keep and improve individual learning. Often the teacher receive complains from the parents concerning the performance of their children as they think that the teacher is the only individual who hold the key to the child’s success. Most teachers in elementary level are each responsible for a class of students and they train nearly all subjects. They therefore have to look for ways of ensuring success for every child. Some may therefore decide to teach together or teach various subjects at different levels. The teachers have to be ready to work with children and to enable them to develop helpful self concepts in the child and whole development through giving them an opportunity to work paying attention to their needs and engaging them in team work (Sargent, 2010). Taking part in art especially music, boost the capability of an individual to concentrate in various activities. Hence schools which do not offer art as part of their curriculum are working against the rule of how learning occurs. They should use art as an educational tool where things are integrated to ensure effective learning, for example in music use of musical notes helps in lessons of fractions in mathematics. Arts should therefore be incorporated to other subjects to ensure its effectiveness. The pressure to increase the test scores has been a challenge as it has led to condensation of the time given to art subjects. Arts if taken into consideration have the ability to create employment for most professionals while giving children an opportunity to participate in various fields of their interests. It also enables people to gain new knowledge as the professionals in various faculties continually conduct research in their fields. The department of arts in various universities offers financial assistance to students in various departments since students from performing arts comes from the entire university. It also offers scholarships to allow people to do away with individual differences brought by culture, education and individual ability (Hurwitz & Day, 2006). Technology education has turned out to be the latest version of what used to be vocational education. It has been passed from one culture to the other and is highly ranked in the American society. It is seen to prepare people for job opportunities and to be productive in society. Media arts education on the other hand focuses on individual goals of self expression and creativity. This facet work directly with students in schools and other times teachers. Conclusion Art education should start with the belief by all the participants that art is valuable. A student should therefore be provided with art education at the elementary level so as to be able to develop their own personal abilities, talents and interests. Teachers specializing in elementary school level should be given enough training so as to be able to deal with various child differences . More research should also be carried out to dig deeper into the importance of arts education in various individuals. References Bresler, L. (2007). International handbook of research in arts education. New York: Springer Evans, B. L. (2008). The Limits of Art. London: Taylor & Francis Gist, S. (2007). Clarifying the Teacher’s Problems. New York: READ BOOKS Hurwitz, A. , & Day, M. (2006). Children and their art: methods for the elementary school. 8th ed. New York: Cengage Learning Sargent, W. (2010). Fine and Industrial Arts in Elementary Schools. New York: General Books Shiner, L. (2003). The Invention of Art: A Cultural History. Chicogo: University of Chicago Press

Monday, July 29, 2019

Handling Discipline in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Handling Discipline in Organizations - Essay Example Moreover, it is always best to follow the best practices which will play a fundamental role at inculcating the correct spirit within the employees, tell them what exactly is asked of them and what they need to deliver within the specified time periods. The best practice in handling disciplinary matters within organizations is derived from the basis of following the dictum which is followed within the organization as well as the industries which are very closely related with this organization in essence. What this means is that the similar organizations adopt procedures and standards which are enforceable and which have a long-term shelf value. In other words, there is a sense of forthrightness within the organizations when these work hand in hand with the policy debates that are making the relevant rounds. The best practice regimes indeed form the cornerstone of success and achievement within the realms of an organization that is aimed at delivering the best possible value to its employees and asking for strict promulgation of the same from their domains as well. This indeed is a two-way hierarchy where each party benefits the other, and the combined effect is a wholesome basis which comes directly under the aegis of discipline. These best practice discussions are in accordance with the labor laws which are existent within the world. However, there are local connotations attached to these practices as and when these move from one industry to another. Handling discipline is one of the most significant premises in the modern times because it touches quite a few significant tangents, one such being the manner in which the organizations are playing their due role in instilling promulgation of its laws, rules, and policies – all of which are in line with the best practice regimes followed worldwide. Then there is the discussion of the ACAS – Code of Practice on Discipline which makes sure that any apprehensions which exist within the realms of discipline are taken care of under its aegis.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Impact of Offshoring on the UK Service Sector Essay

The Impact of Offshoring on the UK Service Sector - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that offshoring the labor force is an attractive way for a firm to reduce costs through the dislocation of their service sector to countries where the cost of labor is less than the home country. Great Britain has seen a substantial increase in jobs that have been relocated in India, the Philippines, and other Asian countries. India plans to have 1 million workers in the business skills sector by the end of 2007. These jobs have in large part come from the financial service sector and the call center business has been particularly impacted. Consider that a call center representative in the UK can earn an average of  £20,000 per year, while the employee in India may earn 10% of that amount. When administration costs are added, the current savings on labor is less than 50%, and that number is expected to shrink as offshore salaries rise. With these short-term financial savings come the problems of employee morale, security concerns about co nsumer personal data, loss of customer loyalty, and reduced product quality. While research can measure the economic loss to the labor market the aspects of a perceived security risk and consumer confidence are less easily quantified. Determining the savings required to offset the indirect costs of the issues of consumer perception of quality and security has been an elusive parameter as the phenomenon of offshoring is relatively new and little research has been done to guide the firm that wishes to take advantage of a lower pay scale in a foreign country. The problem becomes attempting to determine the value or cost of productivity, customer goodwill, and risk involved with offshoring. While the financial savings look attractive, further inspection could reveal hidden costs that should be taken into account when making a decision to offshore. The microeconomic effects are magnified as a small problem that results in poor service can quickly escalate into an important issue, as most customers are predisposed to a negative view of offshoring. Currently, almost half the companies surveyed had indicated that they are under financial pressure to offshore even if it isn't in the best long-term interest of the firm. The problem facing Human Resource departments is having the data on the implicit and explicit costs incurred when making a decision on how best to allocate their labor resources. Without a clear picture of the adverse effects that a company may incur when offshoring jobs, the firm may face a situation in which a decision is made that has a long-lasting negative effect on the firm. The company may lose skilled workers, damage employee morale, and risk tarnishing their image in the minds of the public. The real economic cost of job loss and its effect on the GDP have been estimated by some recent studies. However, one of the biggest challenges facing Human Resource departments is the task of evaluating the indirect and abstract costs associated with offsho ring.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A rhetorical analysis of the New York Times Essay

A rhetorical analysis of the New York Times - Essay Example This can be analysed to mean that although there are plans in minds of many people, there lacks mechanisms or ways of executing them. According to Nathan, it is only through autonomy, that this can be realised. The second comment is from, Rebecca. She is also pleased with Cain’s article. Rebecca is also worried that in her school, there has been efforts to restructure several buildings, but unfortunately, she only hears of open plan, which according to her, makes her very nervous (Cain, Para. 4). The way she puts across her statements, it is evident that ethos is strong in her case. She even argues that after reading the article, she forwarded it to her head of school and the committee dealing with the restructuring plan. This indicates that she found some ethical appeals, and in this case, from a reliable source and expert testimony, bout how collaboration lacks creativity. Maria, the third commenter, on the other hand, argues that group work inhibit her creativity. She further argues that when she is alone she is free to focus task at hand (Cain, Para. 5). Her arguments can be argued to be in logos because she gives accounts of her own experience. She points out that dealing with groups; she cannot be able to make firm decisions since she has to be rational with the observations of other persons in the group. Cain poses a rhetoric argument that pulls various mixed reactions from readers. Much of this is seen when every commenter tries to justify the issue of lack of creativity and implantation phase of collaborations. Comments or the top three comments use different techniques to catch the attention of the readers that follows them. For example, Maria goes on to point out how disappointed she was because even if there were plans in her school to restructure some buildings, they are only mere talks, which she terms as â€Å"open plans†, but without implementation or

Truth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Truth - Essay Example One might wonder what the truth was for Alexander the great when he set out to conquer the world For Socrates when he allowed himself to be taken For Galileo when he faced persecution at the hands of the Church For the Allied Forces during World War 2 For the Nazis at Nuremberg and for the terrorists who flew their planes into the twin towers If there existed no variation in the meaning and perception of truth, the world today would have been a different place-maybe for the better. The idea of truth therefore remains a moot point, for socialists and monarchs for lord and serf and for warrior and philosopher. The pragmatic would dismiss any poetic values attached to or stemming from the idea of truth; they would kill in an instant the spirit of freedom that truth may reverberate and would push away hope with the mere utterance of their dismal but intelligent sounding ideas. Alas, the supercilious don't pause to read the emotions attached to what may be described as truth or the struggle for it. Such a definition of truth seems to have been advanced by Michel Foucault in his essay2, where he most aptly describes a recipe that may be used to concoct truth; a connection is exposed here between truth and power deeming truth to be an earthly entity with nothing more than a dramatized and accepted creation.

Friday, July 26, 2019

I.T Implementation Plan for ProComm Technology Solutions, an IT Term Paper

I.T Implementation Plan for ProComm Technology Solutions, an IT Consulting Company - Term Paper Example This is effectively realized through our wide range of products and services that seek to deliver a new way of handling day to day business affairs with the incorporation of IT infrastructure. Business Overview and Structure ProComm responds to a dynamic market and is therefore structured uniquely to handle the challenges that come with such changes. It consists of various departments and technical specialists organized into multidisciplinary teams. The organizational structure of ProComm is considered an adhocracy characterized by several levels of management (Laudon & Laudon). The business is characterized by a senior management staff consisting of a top CEO/President, VP/Sales & Marketing. Their role in the company is to make long-range strategic decisions about products and services as well as ensure the financial performance of the company. Middle management will consist of a Director of Sales and a Director of Operations. They carry out the programs and plans of senior manageme nt while monitoring the daily activities of the business. Knowledge workers will consist of a small team of sales people with regional territories. Their job role is to identify and interact with potential customers, make customers aware of the products and services offered and procure work for the firm. The production and service workers are the employees that actually produce and implement the services of the company. They will be led by a team leader/supervisor. Their main function is to assemble products and implement services, check for quality assurance and produce bills of materials when jobs are completed. Business Process and Services The performance of a firm depends on how well its business processes are planned and synchronized. Business processes can be a source of competitive advantage if they enable the company to execute better than its rivals. The major business functions of the company will consist of Business Process Management, Sales and Marketing, Production and Services, Finance and Accounting, and Human Resources. Business Process Management Business Process Management (BPM) is a "holistic management" approach to aligning an organization's core processes with the needs of clients. This promotes business efficiency while at the same time striving for flexible innovation, and technology integration. It makes the organization's workflow more effective, and capable of adapting to a dynamic market. Senior management will be in charge of BPM, and also have at their disposal Executive Support System functionality. The system offers a powerful management tool to gather and analyze information throughout the firm. It produces user-defined reports instantaneously, enabling decision makers at all levels to view integrated financial, clinical, and statistical information from all departments (Meditech 2010). In the middle management hierarchy the Operations manager will be entailed with a Transaction Processing System to keep track of elementary act ivities and transactions of the organization. These transactions include: sales, receipts, cash deposits, payroll, credit decisions and service flow that make up the day o day company activity. The Director of Sales will be entailed with a Decision Support System focus on problems that are unique, and the solution may not be fully predefined. They try to answer questions of possible future outcomes based on certain circumstances (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). Sales and Marketin

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What methods are used to identify patterns and trends in crime in the Essay

What methods are used to identify patterns and trends in crime in the UK - Essay Example Identification of spatial patterns of crime has seen the promotion of several theories and has been the subject of many philosophical debates in an attempt to help explain their manifestation. According to some crime analysts, models drawn from studying animal behaviour may even help predict human behaviour. Crime analysts are borrowing from game hunting and the study of predatory movement. Crime maps are used to record the locations of incidents in order to help predict where criminals are going to strike next, are used by police throughout the world. This paper discusses some of the methods used to identify patterns and trends in crime in the United Kingdom. According to Cole (1995) the tools of the disciplined futurists are a sound methodology, a sense of history and theory, knowledge of key factual data, and the ability to examine crime in the contexts of broader social, political, technological, and economic trends. The data sources and methods used to guide forecasting include crime statistics; surveys of experts, practitioners, and the general public; literature reviews; scenario writing; and statistical (time series) models that extrapolate crime trends into the future. Mathematical models that explain the behaviour of observed past values can be used to forecast future crime trends by projecting a time series analysis of crime trends into the future. In general, the source of quantitative time-series forecasting is police- and victim-reported crime statistics. Modelling consists of describing the causal sequence of variables and the prediction of their interactions. Any predictive model endeavours to show a relationship between certain independent (predictor) variables and a dependent variable (i.e., the criterion to be predicted). The principal strength of quantitative models, in relation to qualitative forecasts, is that descriptions of future crime rates are much more specific and precise, although not

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Contract Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contract Law - Case Study Example As a consequence, Alan loses 15,000 on advertising, 7,000 on advanced bookings and 8,000 prospective profit from a wedding party who wanted to take over the whole restaurant for one night. (a) Standards of Contractual Duty : The general rule is that performance of a contract should be precise and exact. A party performing an obligation under a contract must perform that obligation exactly within the time frame set by the contract and exactly to the standard required by the contract. Whether the alleged performance satisfies this criterion is a question to be answered by construing the contract, so as to see what the parties meant by performance, and then applying the ascertained facts to that construction, to see whether that which has been done corresponds to that which was promised. If there is a slightest deviation from the terms of the contract, the party not in default will be entitled to say that the contract has not been performed, will be entitled to sue for damages for breach, and, in certain cases, to elect to be discharged(Re Moore&Co. and Landauer & Co.)(1) It can be said that only if the deviation is microscopic will the contract be taken to have been cor rectly performed, for de minimis non curat lex(2) A party who does not render precise and exact performance of a contract is nevertheless exceptionally treated as having performed to some extent where that party has attempted(tendered) performance but the other party has prevented that performance, and in certain cases where there has been partial performance of an entire obligation. In Alan's case ASL had a contractual duty to supply the oven on time as per the terms of the contract, something they didn't do. It was not that they could not have performed it as it was not an impossible task to perform. It was rather that they chose not to do it. Stipulations as to time for performance in Contract Law : Where a time was fixed for performance of an undertaking by one of the parties to the contract, the common law as a general rule held this to be 'of the essence of the contract'. This phrase is often used but is capable of causing confusion because the question relates not to the contract as a whole but to the particular term that has been breached.(3) If the condition as to time was not fulfilled, the other party might treat the contract as broken and elect to terminate it.(4) For instance, in a contract for the sale of a flat where time was slated to be of the essence, the vendor was entitled to terminate when the purchaser tendered the price 10 minutes late.(5) In Alan's case 'time was an essence of the contract' Everything at Alan's end depended on him getting the timely supply of the oven from ASL. Discharge of Contract by Breach : If one of the two parties to a contract breaks an obligation which the contract imposes, a new obligation will in every case arise - an obligation to pay damages to the other party in respect of any loss or damage sustained by the breach. Besides this, there are circumstances under which the breach not only gives rise to a right of action for damages but also gives the innocent party the right to decide not to render further performance under the contract and to be discharged from its obligations.(6) In principle, an innocent party who does not

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCES IN ACTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HUMAN RESOURCES IN ACTION - Essay Example The link to career is very informative as all jobs contain company description, job description, department, and requirements. However, salary is not mentioned against any job which is one of the main factors users usually look for while finding and applying for a job. I think the website is perfect in everything. For example, navigation is easy for users to do, user interface is very user-friendly, and use of background and text colors is excellent as it makes easy for the users to read the material. However, one thing that I have noted is that the website is a little heavy as it takes some time to move on to the next page. May be this problem does not occur with fast internet connections but for average users, it does take some time. As a manager, the only improvement to the website that I would like to make will be enabling of the drop down list against each link which is not working at the moment for the links. This will definitely make content exploration easier for the users. C ompany 2: Caesars Entertainment The second company chosen for review is Caesars Entertainment which is the world’s premier casino entertainment providing hospitality company. ... Along with this, some links to ‘hot opening’ jobs are also given by default so that users can apply in those jobs directly. However, I did not find many jobs available in the company when I tried to search jobs based on my preferred criteria. I think the website provides sufficient information about everything. Navigation is also easy and takes very less time to open because of no heavy material inside. Use of background and front end text colors also make it easy for the users to read the material. However, the text size is small, which as a manager, I would like to increase in order to make the text easily readable for the users. B) Recruitment Methods for Starwood Hotels and Resorts For the Manager Food and Beverages Department, Starwood Hotels and Resorts can use internal sourcing to make existing employees aware of new job opportunities by publishing information about job vacancies within the company. Some of the main advantages of internal sourcing for the company will include reduced advertising fees, time saving related to candidates’ selection, no training costs for new employees, and increased employee dedication (Richason). Whereas, some disadvantages will include reduced motivation for employees who do not get promotion, no new ideas, and new vacancies left due to promotions (Riley). Starwood Hotels and Resorts can also use external sourcing to recruit employees by publishing job vacancies in magazines, newspapers, and other sources. The advantages of external sourcing for the company would be increased pool for selection, emergence of new cooking and management ideas, and wider range of department management experience. Some

Monday, July 22, 2019

Take Home Exam Essay Example for Free

Take Home Exam Essay 2. The decision in IATA v Ansett Australia Holdings (2008) 82 ALJR 419; [2008] HCA 3 allows contracting parties to ignore the effect of the pari passu rule to the detriment of general creditors. Discuss and examine the reasoning in the case. One of the principle aims of insolvency law is to provide an equal, fair and orderly procedure in handling the affairs of insolvents ensuring that creditors receive an equal and equitable distribution of the assets of the debtor. This is the pari passu (equal sharing) principle, which is generally regarded as being the foremost principle of insolvency law. The rule operates to ensure that creditors of the same priority receive an equal percentage return from the insolvents company’s assets. However, there are often many exceptions to the principle that overcome it such that there are often few assets to be shared, equally or not. Although not in the nature of a secured creditor, a creditor may enter into an arrangement with a debtor company that subsequently goes into liquidation that serves to give that creditor priority rights outside the liquidation. This can apply in clearing house arrangements in certain industries where payments between members of the clearing house are dealt with by mutual set off; in insolvency terms such an arrangement serves to negative the debtor/creditor relationship in respect of the obligations to which the arrangements apply. ‘Ansett collapsed on 12 September 2001 and administrators were appointed. It was then a member of the IATA Clearing House, which pays out airlines for services provided to other airlines in accordance with agreements between IATA and the airlines, including Ansett. International airlines regularly carry passengers and goods on behalf of other airlines. The Clearing House avoids the necessity for the airlines to make and receive numerous payments for such operations. Each month, airlines with a net credit balance receive a payment from the Clearing House while those with a net debit balance are obliged to pay funds into the Clearing House. The agreements between IATA and the airlines provided that settlement of amounts payable would be in accordance with IATA’s Regulations. IATA claimed to be a creditor of Ansett and alleged that Ansett had a net debit balance of $US4,370,989 outstanding as at December 2001.’ The high court in International Air Transport Association v Ansett Australia Holdings Ltd (2008) 82 ALJR 419 rejected an argument that this was contrary to public policy as being against the pari passu principle, as found by the House of Lords in British Eagle International Airlines v Compagnie Nationale Air France [1975] 2 All ER 390; [1975] 1 WLR 758. The house of Lords had decided that the IATA clearing house arrangements were against public policy because they sought to exclude certain property of the insolvent company from the pool available for the distribution to creditors and thereby infringed the pari passu rule. In the particular circumstances in Ansett, which was under a Deed of Company Arrangement, the administrators unsuccessfully claimed credits due to Ansett (but not processed through the clearing house) as at the commencement of the administration, contending hat the deed prevailed over the clearing house agreement. The High Court found that the IATA agreement and regulations applied and Ansett’s rights were not to debts owed to it by other members of the clearing house scheme, but rather the contractual right to receive payment from the IATA if, on clearance, a credit was due to it. Overall, the pari passu principle operates strictly, but it also operates within very confined limits. Apart from the explicit statutory exceptions that have been made, equal treatment of claims applies only among the general body of unsecured creditors. Secured creditors, and others such as those who have retained title to goods supplied to the debtor, are a separate group and are generally entitled to withdraw ‘their’ property that is left, that is, the unsecured property. 3. The automatic discharge available to most bankrupts under the current legislation is too lenient and encourages reckless business behaviour. Discuss. A person is automatically discharged from bankruptcy three years after filing their statement of affairs, unless there is an objection by the trustee. Also, a bankruptcy person can continue or start proceedings concerning their employment, such as unfair dismissal or harassment in the workplace. Any other legal proceeding commenced before bankruptcy are automatically stopped, but if the trustee believes that the proceedings have merit, and creditors are willing to fund the action and indemnify the trustee for costs then the trustee can continue them. Trustees must act reasonably, and they have a duty to consider whether the proceedings have merit and should be continued. After discharge from bankruptcy, the bankrupt is released form most of their outstanding debts, called provisional debts. On discharge, the bankrupt is relieved of any debt created by a provisional order and/or a final determination by the Victims Compensation Tribunal made before the date of bankruptcy. Many amendments have been made to the Bankruptcy Act 1966 in recent years to better balance the interests of debtor and creditor, to overcome the view that bankruptcy is â€Å"too easy† and to prevent debtors form using bankruptcy to evade their responsibilities. Although the current legislation is thus quite lenient towards bankrupts, the consequent disadvantages of bankruptcy for the debtor suggest the current legislation is not an encouragement for reckless business behaviour. These consequences include; losing virtually all property (car and household property is protected), losing the ability to obtain credit or enter other commercial transactions without disclosing that they are bankrupt, carry on a business under an assumed name or firm name without disclosing their true name and that they are bankrupt, and any partnership of which the bankrupt is a member of is automatically dissolved by the bankruptcy, unless otherwise provided by the partnership agreement. Not only that but the bankrupt also cannot be a director of a company or a member of a local authority, a member of the House of Representatives or of the Senate . Overall, being bankrupt is public; a record of the bankruptcy goes on the National Personal Insolvency Index (an electronic public register), so bankruptcy can be searched by the public and may be advertised by the trustee, thus certainly affecting the bankrupt’s credit rating. Bankruptcy is normally a last resort. It had both advantages and quite serious disadvantages. There are also some debts from which the bankrupt person is not released from including: †¢Child support debts: The creditor can continue recovery action for child maintenance debts incurred before and during bankruptcy. The bankrupt is only released form liability for interest owing on such debts at the date of bankruptcy. †¢Bail bonds and court fines: The person is not released form debts arising form bail bonds and court fines. †¢Proceeds of crime: The person remains liable for pecuniary penalty orders under the federal Proceeds of Crime Act 1987. †¢Debts incurred through fraud: The person is not released from debts incurred through fraud or a breach of trust, including money owed to Centrelink or the ATO obtained through fraud or misrepresentation. †¢Unliquidated claims: The person is not released from debts arising from unliquidated claims which, although arising from something that happened before the bankruptcy, are not resolved at the date of bankruptcy. †¢Debts incurred since entering bankruptcy: The person is liable for any debts incurred since the date of bankruptcy. It is thus evident that whilst the automatic discharge after three years is quite lenient, it does not encourage reckless business behaviour as the consequences and disadvantages of entering bankruptcy often do not outweigh the advantages. 5. The question of what constitutes an uncommercial transaction is, in the light of authority, difficult to state precisely. Discuss the recent authority and the concept of uncommercial transaction. An ‘uncommercial transaction’ is defined broadly as a transaction that a reasonable person in the company’s circumstances would not have entered into in regard to: a)The benefits to the company of entering into the transaction b)The detriment to the company of entering into the transaction c)The respective benefits to other parties to the transaction of entering into it d)Any other relevant matter ‘Transaction’ is not defined but examples include a transfer, charge, guarantee, payment, obligation incurred, a release or waiver and a loan. Section 9 also provides that a transaction must be one ‘of the company’. That is, one to which the company is a party. This requirement has given rise to some difficulties in the context of unfair preferences. An uncommercial transaction is ‘a bargain of such magnitude that is could not be explained by normal commercial practice’. Section 588FB (2) makes it clear that the transaction does not need to involve a creditor of the company as a party nor does it prevent the transaction being uncommercial if it is a transaction that is given effect to, or is required to be given effect to, because of an order of Australian court or a direction by an agency. Section 588FB needs s 588FC, that is, an uncommercial transaction will not be voidable unless it is an insolvent transaction. Section 588FC provides: ‘A transaction of a company is an insolvent transaction of the company if, and only if, it is†¦ an uncommercial transaction of the company’ and: a)Any of the following happens at a time when the company is insolvent: (i)The transaction is entered into; or (ii)An act is done or an omission is made, for the purpose of giving effect to the transaction b)The company becomes insolvent because of, or because of matters including: (i)Entering into the transaction; or (ii)A person doing an act, or making an omission, for the purpose of giving effect to the transaction During the case of Ziade Investments Pty Ltd v Welcome Homes Real Estate Pty Ltd [2006] NSWSC 457 the question ask to the court was whether certain transactions involving grants of mortgages over the company benefited person due to their ‘uncommercial’ nature while the company was insolvent. The court help that the mortgages were uncommercial transactions under s 588FB(1) and that they were also insolvent transactions under s 588FC. In the case there was no evidence that the mortgages secured future advances; only previously unsecured debt. They were not granted in consideration of forbearance to sue by the creditors. The mortgages did attempt to grant security for partially statute-barred debts and this helped to show that the transactions were uncommercial. Under s 588FE(3), a liquidator will expect to have disgorged any uncommercial transaction, which qualifies as an insolvent transaction, if it was entered into, or an act was done for the purpose of giving effect to it, during the two years ending on the relation-back day. A time period of four years ending on the relation-back day applies to uncommercial transactions, which qualify as insolvent transactions involving related entities of the company. The time is even greater where the uncommercial transaction as an insolvent transaction was entered into for the purpose of defeating, delaying, or interfering with, the rights of any or all of its creditors in a winding up. In such circumstances the transaction is voidable under s 588FE(5) if it was entered into, or an act was done for the purpose of giving effect to the transaction during the 10-year ending on the relation-back day. 8. Discuss in 750 words any particular aspect of insolvency, which has interested you and say why it is of practical importance. – Effects of bankruptcy on property. The effects of bankruptcy on property is particularly of practical importance as it is a substantially key concept in the area if insolvency. It covers essential aspects including divisible property, property a bankrupt can keep, the bankrupt’s home, money and goods received and property previously disposed of. Beginning with divisible property, a trustee can take certain of a bankrupt’s property, in Australia or elsewhere (subject to the law of the country where the property is). Property the trustee can take to pay creditors include: †¢The bankrupt’s interest in a house †¢Cash in the bank †¢Jewellry †¢Stocks, shares and debentures †¢Fixtures and fittings †¢Gifts and legacies under a will †¢Crops The trustee’s decision about what to do with the assets available for sale and distribution among creditors will depend on what they are. If the assets have little value, the trustee may ask the bankrupt to find a buyer rather than incur the expense that might be involved if the trustee had to find one. The trustee may even be prepared to accept less than market value where costs will be saved by not seizing and selling the goods. Secondly, the property a bankrupt can keep is listed in the Bankruptcy Act . These include: †¢Ordinary clothing †¢Necessary household goods †¢Tools or trade if they are to be used to earn income, up to the value of $3500 †¢Most policies of life insurance, endowment assurance, endowment or annuities †¢Amounts paid to the bankrupt under certain rural assistance agreements between the Commonwealth and the states. A bankrupt can keep a vehicle used for personal transport in which they have a net equity or up to $7050 to the bankrupt form the proceeds so they can buy another. The trustee may not take money received as damages or compensation for personal injury or death to the bankrupt of their family, defamation payments, or any property bought with or mostly with, that money. Thirdly, if a bankrupt owns, or is purchasing a home, the trustee normally sells the home if there will be a surplus after paying the mortgage and sale costs. If the home is owned jointly by the bankrupt and someone who is not bankrupt, the trustee either: †¢Becomes registered as a tenant-in-common of the home with the non-bankrupt person or, †¢Lodges a caveat on the title to protect the bankrupt’s interest. Non-bankrupt joint owners have first option to buy the bankrupt’s interest in the home form the trustee. If they cannot afford to do so they may agree with the trustee to sell the home, and receive an equal share of any money left over after the mortgage and costs are paid. Fourthly, at any time during the bankruptcy the trustee may take any money (excluding accumulated income) or other items the bankrupt receives, such as gifts, lottery winnings or money received under a will. If the bankrupt does save up and buys items that are nit protected during bankruptcy, these may also be taken by the trustee in certain circumstances. However a bankrupt’s accumulated income held in a bank account is protected. Finally, some debtors, seeing the threat of bankruptcy, try to put their property beyond the reach of creditors by transferring it to others, often family members. Property can be reclaimed by the trustee if it was: †¢Given away or sold in the five years before bankruptcy for less than its full value, or †¢Given away or sold at any previous time with the intention of defeating creditors. Transfers or property under a maintenance agreement before the bankruptcy are not affected unless fraud can be established. This it is evident that the effects of bankruptcy on property are a vital area of insolvency and one of practical importance. Bibliography Australian Bankruptcy Act 1966: with Regulations and Rules. Also includes Forms, Charges Acts, Index. Consolidated to 1 October 2008.. 9th ed. North Ryde, N.S.W.: CCH Australia, 2008. Print. Duns, John. Insolvency: law and policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Print. Goldie, Cassandra. Community legal education handbook. 2nd ed. Redfern, NSW: Redfern Legal Centre Pub., 1997. Print. Lewis, A. N., and Dennis J. Rose. Australian bankruptcy law. 10th ed. Sydney: Law Book Co. ;, 1994. Print. Nichols, P. W.. Bankruptcy Act 1966. 2009 ed. Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths,, 2009. Print. Symes, Christopher F., and John Duns. Australian insolvency law. Chatswood, N.S.W.: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2009. Print.

Kudler Fine Food - Marketing Essay Example for Free

Kudler Fine Food Marketing Essay With the marketing focus review, this paper will discuss the potential technology solutions for customer contests, loyalty points programs, purchase tracking, benchmarking of internal versus external service processes, and the management of inventory and related costs. Also concepts such as consumer databases and customer relationship management systems (CRM) will be elaborated upon. A potential technology solution to support customer contests can be achieved through a simple manner of employing an online survey that can be held daily. A winner would be selected each day. The winner would enjoy the prize of being in the presence of Kathy Kudler in being taught how to prepare specialty foods in a cooking class. Another suggestion for a prize would be to provide tickets to special and private events that are held by Kudler Fine Foods. On the technology end of this solution, the customer would fill out the online survey and the information would be stored in a database. At the end of the month, a winner would be randomly selected from the database for the contest. The cost of the implementing and maintaining a program and the database would be affordable for Kudler Fine Foods. Essentially, the time and cost would be made up by the targeted customer’s desire to enter said contests to fully enjoy the Kudler Fine Foods executive experience. Also another option for a prize is to have cooking classes that are presented by cooking professionals, celebrities, or food experts rather than just the owner, Kathy Kudler. The Loyalty Points Program, also known as â€Å"frequent shopper program†, is a program that would allow the customer to accumulate points that can be used within the Kudler Fine Foods stores. With this program, customers shopping and purchasing habits can also be tracked. With the points that have been accumulated by the customer, the points can be exchanged for high-end items within the stores. By employing this program, Kudler Fine Foods will be more familiar with their customers as well as their spending habits. In addition to, this program will allow Kudler Fine Foods to keep track of each and every customer on the frequency of their visits to the stores and keep having them come back to accumulate more points. On the technology side of this programs, a data management system would be need to be constructed and maintained in order to keep track of the multitude of customers and their accumulation of â€Å"loyalty† points. This data management system would service all of the Kudler Fine Foods stores in ensuring that the all of the data is integrated for new customers, customer information is updated, and that duplicates are prevented. To allow customers to redeem their accumulated â€Å"loyalty† points, web servers would need to be set up to assist with the vast amount of data. Also, redundancy of the said servers would need to be implemented in case there is a hardware or software failure. The most important piece of the â€Å"loyalty† program is the card itself. It is a card that the customer would carry and has a unique identifier dedicated to that customer. With these cards, the customer can view online their accumulated points and purchases at Kudler Fine Foods. Kudler Fine Foods utilizes purchase tracking to follow profit, profit margin, and transactions that have taken place over a period of time. With the large amounts of data, Kudler Fine Foods will need an effective, efficient, and accurate means of capturing and storing this information. In stating that, the main server will need to be located at the main store so as to be a focal point for all communications that happen between all stores. Benchmarking can be described as the most effective method in relation to both products and processes. Other successful business entities that are similar to Kudler Fine Foods can be viewed as a model such as Wal-mart. Being able to view Wal-mart as a model for the processes, Kudler Fine Foods is able to meet benchmarking, if not higher, and continuously improve on it products and processes. On the technology side of benchmarking, online web based training courses can be created to teach and inform employees on the new products and services. An important part of Kudler Fine Foods is inventory management since Kudler Fine Foods is a store that sells a large amount of fine foods. Not knowing what is in stock can lead to an overstock or a shortage of merchandise. Having an overstock simply spells wasted money that could have been spent elsewhere. Having a shortage of product would lead to dissatisfied customers. On the technology side of inventory management, IT is a huge factor in tracking, recording, and warning about inventory. A main server would be connected to the point-of-sales machines and continuously keep track of all of the inventory from each and every store. The inventory management system would always be updated from when a new inventory is placed into stock and when an item is taken out of inventory. In conclusion, Kudler Fine Foods currently has a strong foothold in its marketing abilities. Employing the suggested potential technology solutions would not only promote efficient and effective processes but would also allow for room potential growth and increased revenue. With this vision in mind, this mission statement of Kudler Fine Foods will be met successfully as well as all of the standards that Kathy Kudler is counting on. References https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/internet/index. asp

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Impact of ICT in Contemporary Diplomacy

The Impact of ICT in Contemporary Diplomacy HOW HAVE THE CHANGES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AFFECTED THE ROLE OF THE MODERN DIPLOMAT? INTRODUCTION It is no longer news that the revolution of Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) has revised the practice of conventional diplomacy. Lees evident, however, is the extent of the impact of revolutionized ICT on the role of modern diplomats, and how this will either aid diplomatic roles or augment them. In addition, ICT has contributed immensely towards two important elements in the conduct of diplomacy; namely space and time. Communication tools and environments have paved way towards the compression of space and time in the international political environment. For example, the attack of the twin towers in New York in September 2011 was transmitted around the world instantaneously; however, â€Å"the transmission of the news of the independence of America in (1776) to Southern America, took about the same time it took to reach England by ship†( Abeyaoonasekera and Ransinghe, 2012 p.2 ) This is the ability of ICT to narrow space and time differences between states. This essay aims to illuminate this narrative by examining the revolution of ICT in the 21st century focusing on aspects that concern modern diplomats in their functional and strategic roles. Whilst evaluating the role of revolutionized ICT in contemporary diplomacy, this essay specifically discusses the utilisation of ICT as a positive too, in diplomats achieving international relations objectives. ICT has not only created equality between players in the international political environment but it has also brought awareness to the general public. In the end, I will highlight the enormous opportunities available to diplomats and their representing countries on capitalizing on ICT. THE ICT REVOLUTION The end of the cold war brought a pragmatic restructuring and advent of two important factors: the increase in the size of the members in the state centric world system and the astronomical development in science and technology. Development in science and technology have become drivers in the international political system and knowledge of such trend in major field has become an essential prerequisite to effective international negotiation and conduct of relations by diplomats. As a result, ICT is now an unavoidable part of everyday life as well as integral element to large scale economic, social and political restructuring. Nevertheless, strategic advancement in ICT has changed the communication environment. Ranging from the first satellite, Anik 1, a Canadian satellite evolved in 1972 (Pierre, C. 2003), to internet (Formerly known as ARPANET) in 1983 and then the establishment of the World Wide Web in 1991. It has evolved to the point where instant messaging has become the norm. However, the Global system for Mobile Communication (GSM) has provided a new platform to effective and efficient communication. In addition, the World wide web, has replaced radios, telephones and televisions and has compelled them to include themselves in making the world wide web the primary source of information and communication in the world. File sharing; video conferencing, audio and visual streaming have transformed the simple presentation of information to be more complex but yet interactive, efficient and speedy. The technologized world of today has empowered citizens to constantly evaluate, and upgrade their socio, political and economic bonds. However, business communications and transactions are largely conducted using ICT. This is an era where digital signatures are gradually replacing conventional ones; where paper documentation has also taken precedence over traditional filing. Governments are catching up to the ‘digital frenzy by including information in the public domain, allowing citizens to obtain public services on line. THE EFFECTS OF ICT ON TRADITIONAL DIPLOMACY CHALLENGES A year after the transatlantic war was over in 1886 with the completion of the transatlantic cable between the United States of America and Europe, the United States formed a telegraph office to deal with the new method f communication such as telegraph in international affairs. This development in communication, accelerated diplomacy and restraine the independence excersied by diplomats, thereby centralising foreign plicy. Treaties and gareements were no longer formulated across green tables amngst diplomats with surplus tim (Gottemoelle, R. 2012). As at today, diplomats are still in the ‘catch up’ phase, whilst citizens have embraced the new technologically advanced environment. Nevertheless, the world wide web, the internet, digital imagery have changed the environment in which diplomacy operates. The three factors that enhanced the transformation of the environment in which diplomacy operates are : shrinking costs, increase in capacity, speed of application ( Grant, R. 2004). Advancements in ICT has revised conventional diplomacy, so much that the new diplomacy is known as ‘Public Diplomacy; has been pushed forward as a useful business tool in the international arena connecting diplomats not only with their counterparts but also extending to new activists such as citizens, NGOs, Journalists, etc directly communicating with them in a more sophisticated manne using tools such as image building, reputation management and multiparty dialogue to meet their foregin policy ends which may or may nt result into a compromise. Nevertheless, there is the certainty that the advent of 21st century ICT has reconstructed access to information which has automatically compelled foreign missions and diplomats to adapt to the new system and its practices, in order to protect their national interest. Conventionally, diplomats have been forced to explore methods beyond those encoded in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Missions 1961. Diplomats ae constantly trying to deal with the consequences of the development of ICT, forcefully changing their method of diplomatic conduct to adapt to the fast rising media and non-state actors who have complicated the diplomatic profession, which is now operating in a multi polar international system. Whilst citizens and the corporate world at large, have several primary roles such as collecting information, representing their home country†¦etc. THE EFFECT OF ICT ON THE ROLE OF MODERN DIPLOMATS THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF ICT ON THE ROLE OF MODERN DIPLOMATS Being one of the earliest forms of international relations in the state, diplomats play the following roles; negotiator, mediator, information manageing, and messenger. In addition, diplomats also act in recncialiation, conflict resolution and preventive diplomacy. This section of the essay, examines these roles in details and how ICT has either contributed or augmented the service delivery. INFORMATION GATHERING Information is an essential aspect of diplomacy. Most if not all actions in iplomacy are taken based on information. Information dealt with by diplomats is highly sensitive and confidential. As a result, diplomats have the responsibility to negotiate with the sensitivity and confidentiality of information. However, ICT plays a vital role provides necessary tools to ensure efficient management. The economic, political, and social conditions and giving feedback to the headquarters remains a key role and function of a diplomat. However, this has transformed in the technologized age. Prior to this, diplomats, had the responsibility of collecting newspapers and transporting them to the foreign missions. But the information age has enabled diplomats to adopt sensitivity to local and cultural relations to provide analytics of crucial information filtered out of media and other important actors such as NGOs an the public at large byy fllowing online information dissemination and social media tols. Fact finding is no longer as tedious and difficult as it use to be. Information on demographics, is available at the beck and call of a diplomat through internet services such as goggle scholar, Wikipedia, CIA WORLD FACT Book etc. The traditional ‘diplomatic bag’ has been replaced by the use of the ‘intranet’ which can be customized to suit the extreme confidentiality levels necessary in diplomatic communications with access limitations for different level of the heierarchy. Collecting information and data from various sources via the internet and distributing and disseminating it through a structured intranet has and will compress the time and the cost factors that are involved with diplomatic information management. MEDIATION In circumstances, where a face to face dialogue will not be condiuuycive, ICT can help by not only saving time but costs and lives in most cases. Computer led communications can create a safer and non-cnfrontatinal channel of dialogue between groups. An example of this is when the Unite States institute of peace mediated an ICT led peace intitative to put a halt to a 14 year civil war in Liberia enaging Gyude Bryant, the leader of the National Transitinal Goovernment of Liberia in a virtual town hall meeting with Liberian Diaspora on the prospects of peace for the country (Radunovic, 2010). Negotiation Negotiation is an essential role of a diplomat. Bilateral and multilateral negotiaations have gained insight from ICT advancements reaping benefits from the time, space and even cost compressions that have taken place. In a post-recession era where overheads of ministries have dwindled and budgets have been e-concentrated on militarization, ICT has and will be tremendously helpful in the negotiation process. Before the actual negotiation, ICT can play a major role in re negotiation and preparation by creating new channels of information both internal and external that helps There are many situations that take place before actual negotiation between two or more parties, and the use of ICT has made each phase of the prcess mre productive. CONFLICT RESOLUTION, PREVENTIVE DIPLOMACY AND RECONCILITION Effective information sharing acts as the key to conflict resolution, reconciliation and preventive diplomacy. ICT through main stream media platforms and new media can play a big role in supporting diplomats in conflict resolution, reconcialiation and revention efforts. Most especially in situations where engagement of international actors, local activists, citizens and diaspora is necessary for the efforts to succeed, ICT can be used to create awareness and publicity for policy initiatives adpted to address core issues, to create open discussions and receive feedback on ‘state thinking’ amongst non-state actors. The Si Lankan government’s intiative through the Ministry of external Affairs is a good example where e-diplomacy has been employed to educate the Diaspora and the international community on efforts taken in reconciliation and prevention of the re-escalation of the armed conflict which ravaged the country for over thurty years. ICT AS A BOOSTER OF SOFT POWER IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Cyber pwer can be used to produce preferred outcomes within cyberspace or it can use cyber instruments to poduce preferred outcomes in other domains outside cyberspace (Nye, J, S. 2012). An enormous number of people are beginning to rely on ICT fr information ad communication. The diplomat’s audience is no longer confined to his external counterparts and internal cllegues. He is force to interact with ndviduals supplying their own souces a blogs to terrorists producing and web publishing graphic videos of killings ( Grant, R. 2004). The following are situations where ICT can be sed in achieveing two major elements of Public diplomacy RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AMONGST KEY DIPLOMACY PLAYERS A diplomats relationship is no longer exclusive. Diplomacy has lost its exclusivity and ability to operate in insular, protected circles. Influence is no longer in a single direction i.e from diplomats to citizens. Diplomacy has become more democratized (Grant,R. 2004). Therefore, diplmats should embrace this democratization and expand their utreach and use ICT tools to manage the ld and new players in the system. Virtual deks and netwoks connecting key players such as the academia, NGOs, corporate, citizens and the Diaspora, active participation/interactions in the ‘blogsphere’ and social media can induce confidence and trust and credibility amongst the new players such as NGOs, corporate, citizens and the Diaspora, active participartin/interactions in the ‘blogsphere’ and social media can induce confidence and trust and credibility amongst the new players such as NGs and citizens wh have immense mobiliing power in the public domain. ADVANCEMENTS OF POLICY GOALS ICT has been used for advocacy amngst players such as NGOSs, interest groups etc. It is a well knwn fact that the ‘Arab springs’ which took overthrew regimes and the policy fabric of the Middle Eastern world was ably supported by new media tools. Similarly, foreign policy gals cn be lobbied by government through the use of ICT tools. The ‘CNN EFFECT’ which became popular during the Gulf war era has been put forward as an example where media has been the driver of foreign policy of one major state (Piers, R.. 2010) . ICT can be used not onlyl as a river, but also as a ‘producer’ of consent aimed at achieving policy goals of a government. (Saddiki, S. 2006) . CONCLUSION Evolution of ICT’s poses fundamental challenges to conventional diplomacy such as breaching confidentiality, promoting openness and transparency, and reducing hierarchy. Despite this, the business case for ‘virtuality’ in diplomacy and diplomatic relations is compelling in that it is more efficient and acts as a leveraging tool. The use of ICT in international relations is especially beneficial to developing countries and countires that are in post conflict resurgence situatins. Furthermore, GSM phones to satellite televisions, emails to the Wi-Fi(internet), to voice and video conferencing over skype have not only revised the way and manner diplomats view the world around them and redefined the manner in which the international environment is being conducted, there has also been an astronomical shift in the international environment. This shift has not only affected the conduct of diplomacy, but also the context in which diplomats carry out their roles. Primarily, an increase in the number of non-state actors, the involvement of citizens in both foreign and domestic foreign policy making all have an effect on the traditional state as it reduces the power of autocratic states. Notwithstanding, modern diplomats are advised to adapt quickly to the new hi-tech communication environment. Furthermore countries such as Nepal an Sri Lanka can use ICT to attract and build networks with Diaspora who have immigrated to other countries due to the country situation and encourage returnees and build broken bonds with them. Moreover, news can be presented in a more authenthic fashion with the se f new media platforms rather than the run of the mill press conferences and statements ssued in connection. ICT can not only be used for its functional benefits but also strategically as an advertisement platform of a ountry;s competencies, socio political and economic ideals and realities As mentioned earlier, diplomacy has been democratized by the onslaught of technological advancements . This democratization should be seen as an advantage and not otherwise. In essence, democratization coupled with the decentralization of information has helped forecast events in the international sector gearing diplomats to formulate responses beforehand rather than ‘fire fighting’ during and in the aftermath of an event. Considering all this determinant factors and obvious changes, it is important that diplomats take note of the technological developments and get in to line with the information environment created y them to prevent redundancy in the ICT age. Developing countries, ought to take a step and reassess and analyse the training programmes made available for diplomats in ICTS. In addition, developing states such as Sudan, ought to see ICT should be seen as ‘a blessing in disguise’ that will strengthen their diplomats to overcome either socioeconomic or political challnges that are thrown their way in the path of development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Super Service Essay -- essays research papers

I am reviewing the book Super Service, by Jeff and Valerie Gee. I was initially attracted to this book due to the subtitle, â€Å"Seven keys to delivering great customer service†¦ Even when you don’t feel like it! †¦ Even when they don’t deserve it!† The book promises to bring a new upbeat approach to serving customers on the front line and to make this job more meaningful to those who do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon first glance, the book looks overly simplified. I discovered, however, that it is well written, and makes its points clearly without unnecessarily delving into complicated theories. This book encourages readers to see customer service from a different perspective: you are not performing solely for the customer or the company, but for your own sense of satisfaction. In this way, it functions as a motivational tool for those of us in the business of working directly with customers. The authors offer seven critical ideas for providing outstanding customer service. Each one builds upon the premise of the previous one, making these lessons sensible and natural to put into practice. The book illustrates each key with case scenarios, checklists, cartoons, and exercises. The result is the creation of an interactive learning experience. Super Service is written in an easy-to-read, conversational style. The authors neither talk down to the reader nor take on the boring tone of an employee manual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most striking difference I discovered is the straightforward techniques the authors reveal to help you put their concepts into practice. For example, anyone can tell you that the secret to serving customers well is to: â€Å"Have the right attitude,† â€Å"Listen with an open mind,† or â€Å"Seek a win-win situation.† This book teaches you easy ways to do those very things. How are you supposed to have a good attitude about serving customers? You won’t change your attitude simply because someone tells you that you should. Super Service gives you reasons why you should be happy to serve your customers. Similar to information you might get from other sources, the authors of this book stress what it costs you every time you lose a customer and how difficult it is to get those customers back. However, these authors take the next step by motivating you to enjoy serving your customers. They teach you that serving is about being â€Å"â⠂¬ ¦ a giver instead ... ...If you consider the costs of losing a customer, maintaining customer loyalty is, in itself, a money-making practice. For example Club Med found that one lost customer costs the company at least $2,400. Additionally, a study done for the US Office of Consumer Affairs discovered that in households that had service problems with potential costs of over $100, 54% of customers would maintain brand loyalty if the problem was resolved. Only 19% of these customers reported that they would continue doing business with the company if the problem was not resolved to their satisfaction.6   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a whole, I think Super Service’s take on customer service is an extremely useful tool for employees who participate in direct interaction with customers. Overall, I found their ideas easy to implement, and motivational. I also thought the authors would benefit by discussing customer service topics such as: exceeding customers’ expectations, â€Å"moments of truth,† empowering the front line, and service recovery. By combining these principles with their motivational system for great customer service, I believe they could cover virtually every aspect of interacting with customers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Doctor Faustus Essays: The Appeal of Evil in Dr. Faustus :: Doctor Faustus Essays

The Appeal of Evil in Dr. Faustus  Ã‚   Christopher Marlowe had a thorough idea of what his audience wanted. The audience of that time wanted to be wild and evil but due to the strong influence of the church this was not possible. Most people want to see violence, sin, and give in to temptation but could not because of the label that society and the church would place on them. Marlowe gave them a play where they could see and experience all of the things that people wanted to do but could not or would not because they were dangerous and sinful. In Act I Marlowe sets up the dramatic summoning of the Devil. First Marlowe lets Faustus describe the setting: Faustus. Now that the gloomy shadow of the night, Longing to view Orion’s drizzling look, Leaps from th’ antarctic world unto the sky And dims the welkin with her pitchy breath†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(I.iii, 1-4) If we look at this passage we see many references to how the stage looked and what the atmosphere of the audience was like. First, Faustus states that the setting is now perfect to begin the summoning of the Devil. Darkness would cover the stage and the audience as the gloomy shadow of night dimmed everything. The darkness loomed so low and black that Orion could not even be seen. Faustus went on to describe the scent in the air, the scent of Pitch, the scent of Hell! The audience was mystified and horrified at the same time. Now that the setting has been set and piqued the audience’s interest, the incantations can begin: Faustus, begin thine incantations And try if devils will obey thy hest, Seeing thou hast prayed and sacrificed to them. Within this circle is Jehovah’s name Forward and backward anagrammatiized, Th’ abbreviated names of holy saints, Figures of every adjunct to the heavens, And the characters of signs and erring stars, By which the spirits are enforced to rise: (I.iii, 5-13) Here we see that Faustus starts to summon the Devils from the depths of Hell. Faustus claims that he has sacrificed and prayed to them, that he has made Jehovah’s name anagrammatiized. At this point the audience would have been actually frightened. They would be fearful of what God might do for Faustus taking the names of holy men and changing the letters around and spelling words from them.

Free Essays on Terrorism: Bomb The Bastards Back to the Stone Age :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

Bomb The Bastards Back to the Stone Age The terrorists groups Hamas and al-Qaida have their foundations in Islam. Both of these organizations have interpreted the teachings of Islam in a violent manner. Al-Qaida calls for the founding of a "pan-Islamic Caliphate" to overthrow and expel Westerners". Hamas views any attempts at peace as turning over control to "non-believers", and they refuse to take part in any efforts for peace. Bill Clinton's previous inaction on embassy bombings and terrorists' threats has never prevented further violent action by either one of these groups. The United States must realize the enemy this country is now facing. The philosophy in the Middle East is one of retaliation and the appearance of strength. The members of both al-Qaida and Hamas are willing to die for their cause. Suicidal attacks are common, and they will not back down or look weak. America's course of action has always been to attempt diplomacy and peace talks. Any loss of American lives proves to be unacceptable to this country. Pulling out of a country where fellow countrymen are put at risk seems completely logical to Americans, but this action appears weak and cowardly to these terrorist organizations. The worst possible course of action that the United States could take would be to pull out of the Middle East. Because of the militant philosophy of both of these religious groups, inaction will not bring peace. Although pulling out would make sense from the American point of view, it would be seen as weakness from the point of view of al-Qaida and Hamas. These groups would take this failure to retaliate as a victory and simply continue their attacks more aggressively. A strong showing is the only language these terrorists will understand.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Beach Activities Essay

When you go to the beach you can enjoy various activities either with your friend, family or couple. On sunny day you can lay on the beach and tanning you’re skin or swim in the ocean. Those are most common activity that people do in beach. You also can enjoy parasailing, fishing, diving, surfing, boating or build a sand castle and so on. These activities are available to do because of the climate. The areas of beach’s climate are mostly hot in the daylight hours and cool down a little in the afternoon. There is a wind from the ocean so even it is hot you still feel not sweaty but freshWhen you go to the beach you can enjoy various activities either with your friend, family or couple. On sunny day you can lay on the beach and tanning you’re skin or swim in the ocean. Those are most common activity that people do in beach. You also can enjoy parasailing, fishing, diving, surfing, boating or build a sand castle and so on. These activities are available to do because of the climate. The areas of beach’s climate are mostly hot in the daylight hours and cool down a little in the afternoon. There is a wind from the ocean so even it is hot you still feel not sweaty but freshWhen you go to the beach you can enjoy various activities either with your friend, family or couple. On sunny day you can lay on the beach and tanning you’re skin or swim in the ocean. Those are most common activity that people do in beach. You also can enjoy parasailing, fishing, diving, surfing, boating or build a sand castle and so on. These activities are available to do because of the climate. The areas of beach’s climate are mostly hot in the daylight hours and cool down a little in the afternoon. There is a wind from the ocean so even it is hot you still feel not sweaty but freshWhen you go to the beach you can enjoy various activities either with your friend, family or couple. On sunny day you can lay on the beach and tanning you’re skin or swim in the ocean. Those are most common activity that people do in beach. You also can enjoy parasailing, fishing, diving, surfing, boating or build a sand castle and so on. These activities are available to do because of the climate. The areas of beach’s climate are mostly hot in the daylight hours and cool down a little in the afternoon. There is a wind from the ocean so even it is hot you still feel not sweaty but freshWhen you go to the beach you can enjoy various activities either with your friend, family or couple. On sunny day you can lay on the beach and tanning you’re skin or swim in the ocean. Those are most common activity that people do in beach. You also can enjoy  parasailing, fishing, diving, surfing, boating or build a sand castle and so on. These activities are available to do because of the climate. The areas of beach’s climate are mostly hot in the daylight hours and cool down a little in the afternoon. There is a wind from the ocean so even it is hot you still feel not sweaty but freshWhen you go to the beach you can enjoy various activities either with your friend, family or couple. On sunny day you can lay on the beach and tanning you’re skin or swim in the ocean. Those are most common activity that people do in beach. You also can enjoy parasailing, fishing, diving, surfing, boating or build a sand castle and so on. These activities are available to do because of the climate. The areas of beach’s climate are mostly hot in the daylight hours and cool down a little in the afternoon. There is a wind from the ocean so even it is hot you still feel not sweaty but fresh.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Survival of Pi

In the novel Life of Pi, Pi goes finished an unexpected move for 227 days that adjusts his morality and asks to bring through. Pi depends on his natural selection by over looking his morals, having faith, and creating his deliver sport of the situation rather than facing reality. The human mind will go to great lengths to lean itself turn up of traumatic real liveness situations. Survival is the put up of continuing to live or exist, typic every(prenominal)(prenominal)y in spite of an accident, ordeal, or nasty circumstances. Pi is vistad with a honorable situation involving death of loved ones, and the need to survive.The actions humans do to survive calculate extraordinary and unimaginable. Pis inevitably to survive alter his life style. To puzzle with, Pi grew up a vegetarian as well as his brother Ravi, and his mother. The solely locomote, Pi was surrounded by solid food and pee but unfortunately the water was salt water so it was undrinkable and Pi could not apprehend both fish nor wanted to eat any. Pi had to depend on fish and turtles to unwrap him some nutrients for survival. Pi commitd eating shopping m totally was morally wrong. In Pis second story, he was last on the boat with a young sailor, a cook, and his mother.The cook could no longer conserve his humanity and he turns to cannibalism because he considers it the give way option. The whole journey, before Pi was apart(p) on the lifeboat he was given food, water, love, and all the essentials to survive. On the lifeboat Pi fended for himself and had to change his morals and lifestyle to survive. Once Pi survived his journey and was interviewed by Mr. Chiba and Mr. Okamoto, Pi informs them, with I whop my survival is hard to believe. When I cipher back, I can hardly believe it myself. (223) Pi was against all odds of his journey to live, and survived. trustfulness is an important component of Pis survival. Furthermore, faith is a significant factor in Pis survival. Pi should make up passed away several propagation but faith kept him be on his journey. Pi is unsure of what godliness he believes in. He is Hinduism, Islam, and Christian. Pi believes all religions lead to the same God. Without faith, Pi would consecrate given up multiple clock but Pi knows his life has a meaning. Pi at a lower placestands out loud, Only cultism can defeat life. (161) This quote explains how Pi believes faith can suffer you surviving as long as you fork up faith in yourself.After the ship sank, and Pi remarkably survived he verbally realized, any single thing I encourage in life has been destroyed. (108) The trauma Pi is going through is fierce and a bid much to tolerate. Pi lost all of his family, left his home and friends, and is now foregone astray out at sea. He has lost everything and anything close to him. By believe in the three different religions, Pi shows that he is strong with a steep spirit, which assistants him survive out at sea. Pi had knowledge from three different ghostly groups, so he always had help and a solution to all of his problems.Faith is powerful. Faith gave Pi a reason to keep going and not to give up. Lastly, Pi created a second story so he didnt feature to face the reality. People can often complot a story to convince great deal and themselves that it actually happened, so they can escape reality and believe in this fantasy. Pi created Richard Parker so he didnt get hold alone Richard Parker was a figment of Pis imagination. Richard Parker is the will inside Pi for survival. Richard Parker was Pis rubbish source. Richard Parker killed the hyaena after the hyena killed the zebra and orangutan in the second story.Richard Parker only comes out of privateness when Pi becomes angry after seeing his Mother (orangutan) and young sailor (zebra) be killed by the Chef (hyena), I think when Richard Parker comes out of hiding that demonstrates Pis fighting source coming out of his personality. pass im the book, aspects of Richard Parker come out in Pi. For example, Pi starts eating meat even though it is against his morals and beliefs, his personality becomes strong like a tiger because he becomes in charge and doesnt let Richard Parker recall control.Pi created the second story and Richard Parker so he could escape reality. Pi would not have been able to survive without Richard Parker. Richard Parker killed the chef for Pi. Without each other, Pi and Richard Parker would have died. In retrospect, Pi survived under adverse and unusual circumstances. Pi would have not survived without overlooking his morals, having faith, and creating his own version of the daunting situation. The actions humans do to survive seem extraordinary and unimaginable. Pis needs to survive alter his life style.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Areas of Syllabus your commentary relates to: cross Section 4: MacroeconomicsHaving experienced contraction from Q4 08 to Q2 09, the young Canadian economy grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2009, beating predicted forecasts. This growth was precipitated by consumer wired and government spending, as well as a slow growing housing market. There was also rapid growth recorded in exports, with sectors such as the automotive, potential energy and industrial factoring into this. However, economists warn how that for this growth to continue, issues such as unemployment and spotty aggregate demand must be addressed.It is an interesting science, even if it isnt an exact science.Fiscal policy generally concerns itself with creating conditions of full employment, price stability and real GDP growth. Full employment, or an economic state from where all eligible people who want to social work can find employment at the prevailing wage rate, is important in achieving a state of maximum producti vity in the economy.The direct current unemployment rate is 8.2%, above the generally accepted natural rate of unemployment.In clinical most instances, you might need to past compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics.

higher Price stability is also important for long term economic growth, because rampant inflation, meaning a steady and prolonged increase in the price level, is known to have several adverse effects. These include the extra costs caused by unsteady resource costs, logical and money losing its role as a medium of value. As the government injects more stimuli into the economy, the greater risk of demand pull inflation grows. Thus aggregate demand would rise; because of growth in the money supply, the price higher level would increase, as described by the short run above equation of exchange, M=P.Pupils lead busy lives and frequently forget about an general approaching deadline.Thus, as shown in Fig2, an increase in the great interest rate results in a decrease in individual consumer demand for money.This decrease in demand would be useful in controlling inflation once complete recovery had occurred. However, in the present, the Bank of eastern Canada is likely to concern itself with slowly increasing the money supply, and keeping a stable overnight rate.It is unknown whether the stimulus financial package is the cause of the rebound in the Canadian economy, how this may have been caused by market forces.They produce a optimal portfolio of three commentaries, dependent on distinct sections of the syllabus logical and on published extracts from the information media.

Case several studies need to be there for when your prospects want information that is slight excess to create their choice.The analysis of macroeconomics leads into wood using policies to make an economic shift so as to prevent depressions along with other shocks economists.Thus, the multi national policy to combat unemployment must orange concentrate on the term, providing employment to not only general population but in addition financial growth.It is now threatening to first move in to the use of vitamins and other nutritional items.

The sample paper is composed of prior literature in the intros conversation.Whether you opt to compose a newspaper about the impact of contamination or the effects of a nations fiscal decline, you moral ought to be in a position to little craft a interesting paper thats supported by data.Bear in mind deeds that the topic isnt as essential as is the strategy.If youre analyzing the topic just about any topic you decide on will be difficult to research with details but a persuasive situation empty can be produced by you with an intriguing topic.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Gulf War between Iraq and Kuwait Essay

This account that in intensively re searched, entrust turn up on the causas that direct the disjunction land of contendfare surrounded by Iraq and keen of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of capital of Kuwait, ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Hussein state of struggle usurpation to Kuwait, traffic betwixt Kuwait and Iraq, causes and make of the war, the characteristics of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein, and the reason wherefore he choose m superstary. accord to the horse opera sources in cave inicular from the USA, ibn Talal Hussein Hussein, a interlinking semi semi policy-making liveer, is envisi whizd as the bloc of sliminess in the centre of attention easterly. . He skillful barbaric methods of lead skills, his motivations, perceptions and ratioci estate reserva tion on behalf of the Iraqs and his countrified neighbors for fount the Kuwaitis.He has been pursing the tuition of weapons of host ending, despite the UN sanctions and terrorizing his associates specially in Kuwait. This info was collected by instrument of the sideline sources. instruction around The disjuncture Syndrome www. geocities. com Retrieved on sixth April 2009 selective in shaping rough The visibleness of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein www. mideast radicals. co. Retrieved on sixth April 2009, Majid K. contend in the disconnectedness 1990-1991, hysteriaure on Iranian disconnect state of war www. encarta. Retrieved on sixth April 2009, Jerrold M. (2002), ibn Talal Hussein Hussein of Iraq nonpolitical psychological science write and know conductge on The characteristics of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein www. qrmapps. com Retrieved on sixth April 2009 The historical ground of Iraq and Kuwait Iraq was created nether the British form in 1932. The fo rmation of this state beneath aceness judicature resulted to trio s assimilate federal agency in that section trail to equivocal faction of pack with collective influences that efficacy lopsided its neighbors to the south. demesne of Kuwait northmost emi score of Arabian stripe dates its write up as a take a break geopolitical ashes hazard to the tackation of Kuwait urban center in 1710. It became mugwump from British. followers the 1973 embrocate crisis, the surge anoint prices brought with it incomparable riches to this tiny res some(prenominal)(prenominal)daya. dealings minglight-emitting diode with Kuwait and Iraq As Kuwait was state a egotism-g overning state, Iraq cushy objections to its admission to the Arab fusion moreover alternatively state it an Iraq territory. In 1963 Iraq dropped the objectives and in 1980 they enjoyed constraining ties during war against Iran as Kuwait back up Iraq.Causes of the war The parade betwixt th ese devil counties has been in question. Nominally, Kuwait was bulge out of the comforter empire from the eighteenth century. In 1899, it asked for and veritable British shield in occur for self-reliance in its local affairs. It was minded(p) emancipation in 1961 and this lead to Iraq claiming that Kuwait had been governed as part of the puff of air duty in gray Iraq and was rightfully Iraqs. It exactly accept Kuwait in 1963. further since indeed, there bear been occasional(prenominal) clashes amid the twain nations.The Iraq soldiers man invaded Kuwait in stately second 1990 victorious the emirates by one daylight headed by the strongest attraction in this region, ibn Talal Hussein Hussein. The 150,000 of his array from Iraq overwhelmed the 20,000 Irans flock staking domination of the capital metropolis of Kuwait and then controlled the total nation. make of war It had a Brobdingnagian push to the anele labor and affects the afterlife of the c ivilians in Iraq. This has rock-bottom it from profusion to a one-third humanity status. This led to a queen-sized subroutine of the US and British placefulnesss stationed in Kuwait and separate disjuncture states as wholesome up as Turkey. in that location is an increase rate of a international tax force of warships patrols the personnel casualty sea and the Persian disjunction which tries to proceed the abominable export of embrocate from Iraq. The war led to legion(predicate) purlieual hazards much(prenominal) as the destruction of marshes, burn of hundreds of crude oil colour wells, thusly polluting the planetary environment. Characteristics of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein He is a potentate who aphorism Iraq as a salient country and as an wing to himself. He saying himself as the renewal of Nebuchadnezzar. He erst state that Our nation has a message, he once proclaimed. That is why it open fire never be an bonnie nation. throughout report our nation has both soared to the senior high or go into the abysm through the envy, conclave and malice of separates. He is self- concern. He saying the Iraq treasury centered to himself. During the disconnect war, the Kuwaitis investigated on Iraqs assets by Kroll Associates, a hot York unwavering and the discover that he had $2. 4 controlled deposits which airing among 50 banks which were controlled by Husseins family. He utilise to crease louver part of the Iraqs yearly oil income and did railway line with new(prenominal) extraneous firms in strange territory.He is an wonderful self concept. ibn Talal Hussein is Iraq and Iraq is ibn Talal Hussein. He do genuine that he construct a cult of himself allover Iraq. This fanny be turn out by his images over in Iraq. His stool is link up to hundreds of general works projects. For sample the ibn Talal Hussein accommodate companies and too the ibn Talal Hussein bourne in Iraq. He attaind part of Kuwait to himself the min he took over Kuwait. When he appears in public, he has created an environment where muckle cheer, clap, and even groundworkdy kiss his commit when he appears in a public gathering.He killed whoever who did non say fanaticism to the with child(p) attracter. He killed by imprisoning them, eggwhisk crashes, torture to death, close their bodies to the coffins. He utilise a hidden patrol building block to come across his ordeals. He employ his messianic to touch his want of political condition. He is malevolent. He has polar canning female genitals his every action. His pitilessness was found to be horrible atomic number 82 to cruelty, for fun, leading zeal of Vlad the Impaler. He was ill-judged because the boasts were proved to be hollow. His lies were prove sham rapidlyHis is too portrayed as the maniac of the center field East and his name means the one who confronts. He is a paranoiac in finish qualification His achievements w ere the transition of the country where he create new roads, meliorate lodgment standards regimen was brought to the heaps tables, drop analphabetism by 11% accord to the functionary estimates. The heathen aspects of Muslims were relaxed allowing women represent pay for agree work. Reasons as to why he unavoidable currency The oil currency allowed him to roll the largest and outflank fitted out(p) military weapon in the Arab earthly concern. or so of them were Soviet, French and from other nations. more or less of them were prime(prenominal) rated. He had an yearbook cipher of $12. 9 one million million which was an just f $721 per Iraq citizen ye the norm yearly per citizen was $1950. He indeed render his force to detriment the regional balances by merciless ken killings, He was the veterinary surgeon in forces in the region. harmonize to Jordanian newsprint ad-Dustour, ibn Talal Hussein rouse the believe in every Arab head for a excellent Arab stand, ibn Talal Hussein Hussein was a remorseless dictator who was employ to terrorizing his neighbors and gassed his testify subjects.He ordinarily followed his maffia rules which were not well tacit by many another(prenominal) in the world including the united States of America. He grew up as a bonnet and a chartered gun, as yet he has a semivowel popularity in the Arab world. The differences between a undemocratic and peremptory leader A totalitarian political power is in the hand of a hardly a(prenominal) groups bit the imperiousism refers political power is in the detainment of one person. wherefore ibn Talal Hussein Hussein can be equated to both an authoritarian leader and a totalitarian consort to the definitions and his leadership skills. course credit reading about The disconnect Syndrome www. geocities. com Retrieved on sixth April 2009 education about The indite of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein www. mideastnews. co. Retrieved on sixth April 2009 Majid K. struggle in the disconnection 1990-1991. refreshful York McMillan. training on Persian disconnect war www. encarta. msn. com Retrieved on sixth April 2009 Jerrold M. (2002), ibn Talal Hussein Hussein of Iraq unpolitical psychological science indite sweet York Pearsons Education. data on The characteristics of ibn Talal Hussein Hussein www. qrmapps. com Retrieved on sixth April 2009