Sunday, October 6, 2013

Response To The Following In Antigone Play

The theme of the play , Antigone , is , indeed , the opposition between kindly rectitudes and divine faithfulnesss , the former represented by Creon and the latter generally by Antigone . In other words , what we witness in this play is not a conflict of personali plug ins , but of ideologies , or a clash of principles , Creon representing the secular or political opulent and the other representing the religious and spiritual idealCreon stands for the state or organised society which has framed certain steer principles to maintain and start out itself , and to ensure its advanced stability . On the face of it , these control principles or social formulations are sound , and theoretically zany egg can be said against them . But Antigone and others charge up something higher(prenominal) something more essential , and some thing more instinctive and less fair , in short , something divine . Antigone is unable to calculate the hardship and weight of the position taken up by Creon . On the other hand , Creon is unable to perceive or pry the divine sanction behind the position adopted by Antigone . Both Creon and Antigone are justified in their stimulate ways but unfortunately each is incapable of comprehending the other s menstruation of view and hence the tragedy of bothAs a spokesman of the state of which he is the ruler , Creon makes his position absolutely clear in his continue to the elders . This address contains strong reasons for the that he has promulgated . Eteocles fell ice gallantly in defense of the city , and has to be reputable with burial and all the rights due to the noble curtly . Polynices returned from expel with the intention of burning and destroying his fatherland and drinking the blood of his own people .

He must , therefore , have no grave , no burial , no mourning from anyone his utterly body is to be left unburied , to be eaten by dogs and vultures , a horror for all to see Creon justifies this decision by smudgeing out that it is his duty to look to the stability and welfare of his plain , and that if a man acts in a manner disconfirming to the interests of the country . He can never call himself a fighter of the kingLater , in the course of his interrogation of Antigone , Creon makes the alike(p) point : Eteocles defended his country while Polynices attacked it a d.o.a. patriot and a dead traitor must not receive the same interference . An enemy cannot be regarded as a friend dismantle when he is dead . On the surface this reasoning is faultless . Creon has his own honesty , his own justification and his own reason of responsibility as the ruler and as the tether carrier and defender of the laws framed by the government He is neither unintelligent nor irresponsible . He has his own vault of paradise of action and his own principlesUnwittingly , however , Creon is violating a divine law which demands that a dead body should be properly habituate and should not be allowed to be mutilated by dogs or vultures , no matter whose dead body it...If you want to tie a full essay, order it on our website:

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