Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Business Of Blogs

(Name (Professor (Subjectxx October 2007The Business of BlogsA blog is a relatively new surmisal , and is defined as a publication of personal thoughts , experiences , and web links (Simplehostfinder .com A blog uses the Internet as its customary of reaching a potential audience of anyone in the constitutive(a) world . the gaining popularity of blogs increases the studyability of blogsBlogs jakes govern several aspects of the conversation passage (Foulger . Based on the 1948 Shannon s model of the communication function , the communication process undergoes eight distinct components (Foulger . From these , blogs can mould the following components message , carry onter , carrier , receiver , and obstruct Though communication models have been kindulated many ache time ago , they are still applicable to late media much(prenominal) as blogs . The essential principles remain the same - there is a message , the originator of the message , the medium used to commune the message , and the recipient of the message In typical pipeline fashion , employees could propagate gossip about fellow employees or even corporate secrets through their blogs . However blogs expose a family to more risk than traditional gossip because of the achievable cosmopolitan readership of blogs . The nature of blogs also limits the degree of control that can be exercised by employers on the posts of their employees , as blogs can be do anonymously , and they are posted on hosts that ply the assistance for free . Therefore , companies are left with disciplining , dictatorial , or preventing their employees from posting anything derogatory on their blogsThe issue of the compensate of employers to brush off employees who blog negatively against the community can be debated interminably .

There are too many considerations to arrive at into account , such as the right of employees to speak freely about their thoughts . On the other hand , a company also has an interest at keeping its reputation match . There are thus two conflicting interests that mustiness be considered . The solution to this is a clear company form _or_ system of government about blogging . The company can reverse its employees from posting preferential information on their blogs provided that the company provides a grievance machinery to fence with the complaints of employeesBlogs are known to be legal marketing tools . The supervise of blogs cannot be said to be intrusion of privacy , because authors of blogs knowingly and voluntarily post their entries therein with fully knowledge of the disaster that the whole world can read their contentsWorks CitedFoulger , Davis . Models of the Communication bear on 25 Feb . 2004 . 3 Oct . 2007Simplehostfinder .com . sack up Hosting Glossary of Terms 3 Oct . 2007PAGEPAGE 1Last Name...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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